
Annual Action Plan FY 2024-2025

Proposed Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 HUD Entitlement CDBG, HOME, ESG Funds


NOTICE IS 在这里BY GIVEN 4月13日, 2024, lol靠谱菠菜平台将提供2024-2025财政年度(FY)年度行动计划草案(行动计划).

的 Action Plan describes the proposed activities to be implemented with FY 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024 - 6月30日, 2025) HUD entitlement 社区 Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) 和 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. 的 Action Plan details the City’s programs, projects 和 activities that will be undertaken with HUD’s CDBG, HOME 和 ESG entitlement funding.

2024-2025财年, the City anticipates receiving up to $2,015,627 in HUD entitlement CDBG funds; $60,000 in CDBG Program Income (PI); $812,241 in HOME funds; $313,000 in HOME PI; 和 $182,ESG基金225美元. Funding is based on FY 2023-24 funding allocations, estimated program income 和/or prior years’ unallocated funds. Funding amounts will be adjusted when the final allocations are published by HUD.


FY 24-25 AAP Public Notice - SPA(PDF, 125 kb)

FY 24-25 AAP Public Notice - ENG(PDF, 122 kb)

To view the Annual Action Plan, click 在这里.

Draft 2024 萨利纳斯 Active Transportation Plan

Draft 2024 萨利纳斯 Active Transportation Plan

lol靠谱菠菜平台 Active Transportation Plan 将更新2002年自行车道计划和2004年行人计划,并将为萨利纳斯的步行和骑自行车提供未来改善路线图, 包括人行道, intersection improvements, 自行车设施, 和轨迹.

萨利纳斯主动交通计划(ATP)是2018年萨利纳斯主动交通需求评估的汇编, the 2022 Safe Routes to School Plan 和 other current planning work. It provides systematic, interactive community engagement, focusing on critical agency stakeholders as well as disadvantaged communities.  ATP包括一套由社区支持的可实施的主动交通改进,这将鼓励积极的交通方式,并提高所有人的安全性. ATP还包括通过扩大现有的自行车网络来改善自行车和行人的连通性和安全性的策略, improving pedestrian circulation, reducing vehicle trips, creating complete streets, 和 building a healthy 和 livable community.

公众的投入是通过社区外展活动收集的规划过程的基础, 公开会议, 以及网上评论. We invite the public to provide feedback on the DRAFT ATP by visiting the 网站: http://letsmodo.org/planning-safe-streets/Salinas/. Deadline to share your opinion is Friday, August 30, 2024.

最终计划预计将于2024年秋季完成,并将用于指导未来的投资,并帮助纽约市获得项目建设的拨款资金. This project is funded by a Sustainable Communities Transportation 规划 Grant through Caltrans 和 SB1, as well as local matching funds.

Written comments may also be emailed no later than September 24, 2024, 致杰拉尔多·罗德里格斯, Assistant Engineer at transportationdivision@ci.萨利纳斯.ca.us write “Draft 2024 萨利纳斯 Active Transportation Plan” in the subject line of the email.

For more information, please call (831) 758-7421 or e-mail Grant Leonard or Gerardo Rodriguez at grantl@ci.萨利纳斯.ca.us杰勒德.rodriguez@ci.萨利纳斯.ca.us分别. 听力受损或TTY/TDD文本电话用户可以通过拨打711加州中继服务(CRS)或拨打任何其他服务提供商的CRS电话号码与该市联系. 

Draft Alisal District Identity Master Plan

Alisal地区身份总体规划为东萨利纳斯社区提供了加强地区身份的指导方针. 的se include streetscape improvements, open space improvements, 外观的改进, 图形标识, 公共艺术.

萨利纳斯的Alisal社区最初是作为自己的实体,作为蒙特利县的一个未合并的部分,为来自沙尘暴的移民提供住房. It was named after a grove of sycamore trees that were native to the region. In 1963, the Alisal was annexed into the lol靠谱菠菜平台. 的 term “Alisal” or “的 Alisal” can have multiple meanings. 对于一些, it is used when referring to East 萨利纳斯, for others it is the East Alisal Corridor, or Alisal High School. In this plan, Alisal is used interchangeably with East 萨利纳斯.

的 Alisal is a distinctive neighborhood within 萨利纳斯, with a place in 加州n history as a place of agriculture, 迁移, 和 settlement of Mexicans, 拉丁美洲人, 奇卡诺人, 菲律宾人, Okies 和 other cultures 和 a core part of the greater 萨利纳斯 Valley, 由于它在莴苣和其他作物的生产中起着重要作用,被称为“世界沙拉之碗”.


FY 2023-24 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) - DRAFT

FY 2023-24 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) - DRAFT




NOTICE IS 在这里BY GIVEN that on or before August 23, 2024, the lol靠谱菠菜平台 (City) will publish the draft FY 2023-24 (July 1, 2023 - 6月30日, 提交给美国住房和城市发展部(HUD)的综合年度绩效和评估报告(CAPER). 的 CAPER summarizes the City’s annual accomplishments completed utilizing HUD funds.

特此通知,从8月23日开始,CAPER草案将有至少15天的公众评议期, 2024, 和 ending September 10, 2024.

Please review the attachments below for additional information:

CAPER公告(PDF, 169 kb)

CAPER公告 - Español(PDF, 136 kb)

Draft FY2023-24 CAPER(1 mb PDF)

Mobilehome Park Max Allowable Annual Increase Notice

Subject to the provisions of 萨利纳斯 City Code Chapter 17.1, the maximum allowable annual mobilehome park rent increase effective February 1, 2024 is 2.56%. Rent increase shall not be effective until the l和lord has given notice required by State law. 

居民消费价格上涨3.0%.41% between August 2022 和 August 2023. Accordingly, the maximum mobilehome park rent increase shall be 2.56%.

Please see below notice mailed 和 posted on October 9, 2023. 

Mobilehome-Max-Annual-Rent-Increase-Notice(PDF, 256 kb)




加州 选举 Code 12101

Notice is 在这里by given that a general municipal election will be held in the lol靠谱菠菜平台 on Tuesday, the 5th day of November 2024 for the following officers:

  • 市长,任期两年
  • City Councilmember, District 1, four- year term
  • City Councilmember, District 3, two-year term (Special Consolidated Election)
  • City Councilmember, District 4, four-year term
  • City Councilmember, District 6, four-year term

In keeping with the Charter of 萨利纳斯 Section 2.5(b)作为市长候选人提交文件的市议员,其任期应在提交文件后举行的市大选之后的下一个星期二自动届满. 的 filing period for c和idates to fill such Councilmember's term shall be extended an additional five days.

的 nomination filing period opens on Monday, July 15, 2024.  的 regular nomination filing period closes at 4:00 P.M. on Friday, August 9, 2024.  If the incumbent does not file, 或者不合格, during the regular filing period, the filing period for that office will be extended to other c和idates until 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.  的 official Nomination Paper shall be obtained from the lol靠谱菠菜平台文员’s Office at 林肯大道200号, 萨利纳斯, 加州93901, (831) 758-7381 by appointment only.

的 polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. 晚上8点.m. Please contact the Monterey County 选举 Office at (831) 796-1499 for polling locations.

Dated this 4th day of July 2024.


帕特丽夏米. 巴拉哈斯

选举公告 2024(PDF, 186 kb)

选举公告 - Extended Filing Period



加州 选举 代码10225

Notice is 在这里by given that the nomination period has been extended until 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, August 14, 2024, for the following offices:

  • 市长,任期两年
  • City Councilmember, District 1, four- year term

 In keeping with the Charter of 萨利纳斯 Section 2.5(b)作为市长候选人提交文件的市议员,其任期应在提交文件后举行的市大选之后的下一个星期二自动届满. 的 filing period for c和idates to fill such Councilmember's term shall be extended an additional five days.

任何有资格的人, other than the incumbent, can obtain the official Nomination Paper from the lol靠谱菠菜平台文员’s Office at 林肯大道200号, 萨利纳斯, 加州93901, (831) 758-7381 by appointment only.


9月9日th 2024年8月1日.

帕特丽夏米. 巴拉哈斯




萨利纳斯 Assistant 城市职员


选举公告 - Extended Filing Period.pdf(PDF, 223 kb)

豁免通知书 for the lol靠谱菠菜平台 2023-2031 住房 Element

On December 5, 2023, the lol靠谱菠菜平台 adopted its 2023-2031 (6th根据国家CEQA指南第15061(b)(3)条,如所附的豁免通知和技术备忘录所述,发现其获得CEQA豁免. For more on the City's 住房 Element process, please visit the project's 网站.


萨利纳斯 Broadb和 Master Plan Public Review


lol靠谱菠菜平台 obtained state funding through the Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) program; this funding award stipulated that the City had to create a plan for infrastructure upgrades to support broadb和 deployment in the Alisal neighborhood 和 also create a plan to exp和 broadb和 deployment to the rest of the City in the future. 另外, 这笔资金包括为在Alisal社区内制定宽带基础设施建设计划提供的经费. 的 Alisal Neighborhood fiber network design was completed 和 submitted in January 2024 for permitting. 值得注意的是,LATA的资金用于规划未来的宽带基础设施,但不包括建设活动的资金. Alisal社区公共Wi-Fi网络规划的初步规划也包括在本宽带总体规划中.

宽带总体规划通过投资支持住宅的宽带基础设施,延续了该市改善连通性的持续努力, 业务, 和 governmental needs. In 2015, lol靠谱菠菜平台通过了一项宽带计划,以发展当地宽带基础设施,并鼓励目标地区的当地经济增长. 自2015年以来, lol靠谱菠菜平台采取了宽带友好政策,以增加宽带可用性和升级宽带基础设施. .


Public review comments can be emailed to me – Michael Gomez at  michaelgo@ci.萨利纳斯.ca.us or by calling me at 831-758-7986 (direct line).



萨利纳斯-Broadb和-Master-Plan.pdf(3 mb PDF)

SHARE Center RFP Public Notice

Due日期: May 20, 2024 by 5:00 PM (PST)

lol靠谱菠菜平台(City)和蒙特雷县(County)正在为萨利纳斯的紧急避难所和导航中心(SHARE center)寻找一名合格的操作员(operator), 加州. This Request for Proposals (RFP) will form the basis of the City 和 County’s selection process.

目前, the SHARE Center serves up to 100 people experiencing homelessness at a point in time, including both single individuals 和 families with children.  的 SHARE Center provides services under a housing navigation model, offering emergency shelter 和 wraparound services under a 住房 First approach. 市和县发布了这份征求意见稿,为该设施选择一家运营商,继续朝着减少各自管辖范围内无家可归现象的共同目标取得进展.

的 full RFP Public Notice is available 在这里(PDF, 141 kb).

的 full RFP is available on the City 网站: http://www.cityofSalinas.org/Residents/Community/Housing-Community-Development/首页less- 服务